الاثنين، 24 يونيو 2013

Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup

Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Just as things started to warm up around here, another round of cold winter weather set in putting us back at square one. Not a place I really enjoy dealing with again.
Time for soup. Soul-warming soup. One of my favorite soups in the world is potato soup (with onion and garlic. Surprise!).
But to be honest, anything containing even the slightest hint of potato is favorite in my book. This unhealthy relationship I have with potatoes? Yup, it’s a Dutch thing.
Vincent van Gogh had me in mind when he painted his ‘Potato Eaters’. I’ll probably need behavioral therapy to overcome it but for now I’ll stick to making  yummy things using potatoes.
Like this potato, corn and chicken soup. Simple and hearty. My kinda food.

1 chicken breast
1 pound potatoes (starchy)
2 ears of corn
1 large onion
1 large garlic clove
8 cups water
2 chicken bouillon cubes
pepper & salt
2 tbsp butter

* This soup is creamy without being really thick and dense. If you want to turn it into a thicker, richer, soup you can either use more potatoes or less water. Your call.
Like I’d really shoot a recipe without onions! Chop it (or them) and grate the garlic.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Remove the corn from the husk and clean it up under rinsing water making sure you remove all the silk. Clean corn is happy corn! Yes, it’s true. Slice off the kernels.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Peel the potatoes, slice them into tiny cubes and store them in cold water until we’ll use them.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Here I was thawing out a chicken breast that I cut up in four pieces. You could also use a fryer for this, but you’d have to let it simmer longer.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Heat a little butter.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup

Just kidding, guys! Oh come on, let have my kicks.

Heat about 2 tbsp butter and sauté the onion until translucent, 5 minutes or so. Add the garlic and cook for another minute.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Pour in the water, add the bouillon cubes (yes, these are MSG free), the chicken and a pinch of salt. bring it to a boil and simmer for 25 minutes, until the chicken is tender.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Remove the chicken from the pan and let them cool off a bit.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Add the potatoes to the broth, bring it to a boil, pop the lid on and let it cook for 10 minutes.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Then it’s time for your corn. Cook it for another 10 minutes again (with lid). We want the potatoes and corn to be really soft.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Gives you time to shred the chicken. Try not to eat too much, okay!
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup

If you want to take out some corn and or potatoes for garnish, now is the time to do that.

After those 10 minutes it’s time to do some blitzing. Use your immersion blender, food processor or blender.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Season with salt and pepper to taste. Feel free to add some fresh or dried herbs. I tend to like this soup ‘pure’.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Add the chicken and give the soup another 5 to 10 minutes without the lid.
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
I would be lying if I said a nice dollop sour cream didn’t finish this soup beautifully. So you have my blessing!
Potato, Corn & Chicken Soup
Not that you need my blessing or anything. What you do need is crusty bread. Lots of it!

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