الأحد، 18 ديسمبر 2011

Spicy Breakfast Quesadilla

Here we have all the fixins to a yummy, wholesome and filling breakfast!

I started with a good size jalapeno, drizzled it with a little extra light olive oil, and placed it under the broiler on high. Now DO NOT put parchment paper under a broiler!! Use tinfoil! GOT it TINFOIL!

After 5 to 7 minutes under the broiler it should be nicely charred. Stick it into a zip lock baggie and let it steam for 5 minutes or so. Peel off the skin, remove seeds and ribs and dice small.

I reeeeeally wish I took pictures of the charred parchment paper... but I guess I was too busy freaking the heck out!

 Heat a small sauté pan over medium heat and add a pad of butter... or is it pat of butter? Anyone have the answer to this?

Once the butter is bubbly, throw in the diced red pepper and shallots. Cook those till they are soft.

While those are softening; combine the two eggs, whole milk {did I forget that in the ingredient photo?}, kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper.

First I just need to tell you how much I love this mini-whip! I believe it's from Pampered Chef. I also believe it's not too expensive either! I use it for lots of things like scrambling eggs or whisking cocoa to make hot chocolate! I love it!

Now that I'm over my mini-whip plug, I can whisk the eggs into submission and set aside.

Before adding the eggs, I reduced the heat and then tossed in the roasted jalapeno {Ya know the one that almost burnt down my home... you know that one.}

Then I poured the eggs over top.

I cooked the eggs until they were done, and still moist. Be careful not to overcook these eggs or they will be dry and not good eats. Immediately pull them off the heat and set aside.

I then quickly tossed a whole grain tortilla into a shallow pan over medium heat. I like to use whole grain tortillas because it seems more breakfasty. I'm sure the editor of Microsoft WORD is going to have a field day with me using breakfasty... Breakfasty, breakfasty, BrEaKfAsTy! Ha!

Sprinkle one half of the tortilla with the Chihuahua cheese. Chihuahua cheese is a Mexican cheese primarily used in fondues, quesadillas and chili con queso. Its flavor is similar to Monterey jack, but I think it melts better! Oh and you should be able to find it in your specialty cheese case at you grocery store! Cha-ching.

Once the cheese starts to soften and the bottom of the tortilla starts to crisp, add the hot jalapeno eggs, and fold over. Leave for just a moment before plating.

Top with fresh cilantro leaves and devour!

Spicy Breakfast Quesadilla:
{Serves 1}

1 tablespoon Butter
1/4 cup {scant} Red Pepper, diced small
1 tablespoon shallots, diced small
1 Jalapeno, roasted
2 eggs
1 tablespoon Whole Milk
Kosher Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper, to taste
1 Whole Wheat Tortilla
1/4 cup Chihuahua Cheese or Monterey Jack
Fresh Cilantro leaves, for garnish

Start by preheating your broiler to high and place the jalapeno on a tinfoil lined baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and roast, rotating throughout cooking, until the skin is blistered and black. Stick in a plastic baggy to steam, which will help when removing the skin. After 5 minutes or so, remove jalapeno. Discard the skin, seeds and ribs, and then finely dice the jalapeno flesh.

In a small sauté pan, melt the tablespoon of butter. Then add the diced shallot and red pepper and cook until soft. Mean while in a bowl; whisk the two eggs, whole milk, salt and pepper until thick and fluffy. To the red pepper and shallots add the diced jalapeno. Reduce the heat and then pour the eggs over the veggies and cook over medium low heat until eggs begin to set, pushing them around with a spatula to cook evenly. Remove from heat and set the scrambled eggs aside. In a clean skillet place whole a whole wheat tortilla. On one side of the tortilla add the Chihuahua cheese, when it begins to melt then add the scrambled jalapeno eggs. Once the cheese is melted and the tortilla is crispy, fold over the other side of the tortilla, remove from pan and cut in half. Lastly top with fresh cilantro leaves and enjoy!

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