الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2012

easy egg drop soup

I always want something light after the gluttony of holiday meals, so this week I cooked up some easy Asian food. This egg drop soup comes together in just a few minutes and has endless possibilities. I added mushrooms and spinach to try to sneak in some veggies, but if you just want a plain, brothy soup, you can leave them out. If you want something heartier, you could even add some noodles.

It's been a cold, rainy day and this soup is just what I needed to warm me up inside and out! Plus, it's so easy that I was able to whip it up without exhausting myself, despite being under the weather!

Easy Egg Drop Soup

STEP 1: Peel the ginger with a vegetable peeler and then grate it into the soup pot using a fine cheese grater. Slice the green onions and mushrooms. Add them to the pot along with 1 Tbsp. of vegetable oil. Saute the vegetables over medium heat until slightly softened (5 minutes).

STEP 2: Add 8 cups of water, 2 Tbsp. of chicken soup base (or 2 large bouillon cubes), and one Tbsp of soy sauce. Turn the heat up to high and bring to a rolling boil.

STEP 3: While waiting for the soup to boil, make a slurry with the corn starch and just enough water to dissolve it (about 2 Tbsp). When the soup reaches a boil, stir in the corn starch slurry. This will thicken the soup very slightly, giving it just a tad more body than plain broth.

STEP 4: Whisk the two eggs in a bowl with a couple tablespoons of water. Turn the heat from the soup off and wait for it to stop boiling (one minute or less). Using a large spoon, swirl the soup in the pot and slowly drizzle in the whisked eggs. Do not stir the soup for at least one minute while the eggs set. Allow the swirling current to slow to a stop on its own.

TIPS: The speed at which the soup is swirling and how quickly you pour in the eggs will determine the size of the egg "threads." If you want larger or thicker egg threads, don't stir the soup as fast and pour the egg in faster. Do NOT pour the eggs into a rapidly boiling soup or else it will break apart into very small pieces and you will not have egg threads.

Easy Egg Drop Soup
Perfect for a cold rainy day!

Step By Step Photos

prep vegetables
Start by prepping your vegetables. First, peel the ginger (using either a vegetable peeler or scrape with a spoon) and then grate using a fine cheese grater. Grate it right into the pot so that any juice that drips off falls into the pot. Slice the green onion and mushrooms. Add them all to the pot with a little bit of vegetable oil.

saute vegetables
Saute the vegetables just until they begin to soften - about five minutes.

add chicken base
Add 8 cups of water and 2 Tbsp of chicken base. Or, you can add 6 cups of chicken broth (homemade or store bought) and two extra cups of water. Also add 1 Tbsp of soy sauce.

corn starch slurry
Turn the heat up to high and allow the soup to come to a rolling boil. Meanwhile, create a slurry with the corn starch and just enough water to dissolve it.

egg drop soup
When the soup reaches a boil, stir in the corn starch mixture. This will thicken it very, very slightly. If you want it thicker, just dissolve another Tbsp of cornstarch into a bit more water and add it as well (some asian restaurants have fairly thick egg drop soup).

whisk eggs
Turn the heat off and prepare the eggs. Whisk the eggs with a couple of tablespoons of water. The water makes them easier to pour in slowly instead of having a large glop fall in all at once.

swirl soup
When the soup has stopped boiling, swirl it in the pot with a large spoon. The swirling action creates the egg "threads."

drizzle in egg
Slowly drizzle the egg into the swirling soup. If you want thicker egg threads, pour it in faster and/or wait until the soup slows down a bit. Don't stir the soup for a minute or so after drizzling in the egg so that it has time to set. It's okay if it's still swirling, just don't disturb it more.

egg threads
See? I made pretty thin egg threads. I know some of you egg-haters out there are probably gagging a this point... but it's good. I swear!

add spinach
If you're adding spinach, this is the time to do it. Just stir it into the hot soup and allow it to wilt (this only takes about a minute).

easy egg drop soup

الجمعة، 20 يناير 2012

Easy Broccoli And Cheese Stuffed Chicken

I am in love with this recipe.
It is healthy, it is perfect if you want to cut back on calories a little, it is ready in a couple of minutes, yet it is very satisfying and full of flavor.
A gem. A total keeper.
And the result looks cute too.
If you try it, dear friends, I am sure you’ll like it…

This is what we need. Simple indeed.

1. To begin, cook the broccoli florets in salty water for about 5 minutes.
When cooked, drain them and rinse them with cold water. Set aside.

2. Preheat the oven to 400 °F (200 °C).
3. Working one at a time, place the chicken breasts between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound them.

4. Remove the top wrap and season the meat with salt (about 1/4 tsp per large chicken breast), cayenne pepper powder (about 1/8 tsp), and black pepper powder (about 1/8 tsp).

5. Cut the cheese wedge in smaller pieces…

… and arrange it at the near end of the pounded breast.
Use one cheese wedge per one breast.

6. Place about 3-4 tablespoons of the broccoli on top of the cheese.

7. Use the remaining piece of wrap to assist you in rolling the breast and forming a tight roll.

8. Secure the ends and the seam with a couple of toothpicks.

9. Pour about 2 tablespoons vegetable oil in a skillet or frying pan and put it on medium heat.
10. Once hot, sear the rolls on all sides until white in color (about 1 minute per side). This will help keep the lovely juices in while baking.

11. Brush a baking pan with some vegetable oil and place the rolls inside, the seam side down.
12. Bake at 400 °F (200 °C) for 30 minutes.

13. In the meantime, prepare the light gravy. Add the milk, broth, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder into the pan where the chicken was being seared. Cook, stirring frequently, for about 5 minutes.

Remove the chicken from the oven, pour the sauce over the rolls and serve.

الثلاثاء، 17 يناير 2012

[ ساندوتش بيض × بيض ]

خبز تورتيلا بالشطه + بيض + طماط + بقدونس + جبن

نسلق بيضه .. وبيضه نخفقها مع نص بياله حليب ونتبلها بالملح والفلفل الاسود ونصلحها ع القلايه ..

نحطها على خبز التورتيلا وندهنها بالجبن .. ثم نقطع البيض مع الطماط والبقدونس ونرشه عليها ..

ونطويها من النص ..


شرائح الروتي بحشوة الدجاج والكريما*

اليكم الطريقه لذيذه وسهله

نقلي البصل

انضيف الطماطم والدجاج المسلوق بعد تقطيعه + البهارات والكمون والملح

انضيف اليه الوبنج كريم

نخلطه دقائق ثم نرفعه

انزيل اطراف الروتي

نغمسه في الحليب ثم نصف

نضع الحمسه فوق الروتي

نضع الطبقه الثانيه من الروتي بعد تغميسها في الحليب ونسكب بقية الحليب عليه مقدار قليل فقط

نرش جبنة موزاريللا

ندخله الفرن وعد احمراره ممكن ان يؤكل وممكن اضافة عليه كأس آخر من الوبنج

ثم ندخله الفرن قليلا وبعدها يصبح جاهزا للأكل

[ الكريب ]

2 بيضه + نص قلاص حليب + ملعقه صغيره سكر + نص ملعقه صغيره ملح ..

نخفقهم ثم نضيف لهم نص قلاص دقيق ..

ونتركهم نص ساعه يتخمرون ..

نجهز القلايه وندهنها بشوي زبده او زيت ونبدا نصب الكريب مقدار بياله ..

حوالي 30 ثانيه ثم نقلبه ..

انتي وذوقج .. اللي حابه تحشينه احشيه .. ؟

نوتيلا وفراوله ؟

مربى وزبده الفول السوداني ؟

جبن وعسل ؟

لفيها رول وقصيها من النص وقدميها ..

( هذا ف خاطري )

[ فطاير الجبنه ]

علبه جبن [ يفضل فيتا ] او حلوم حسب رغبتكم + 2 بيضه + 1\3 كاس صحين + فانيليا + سكر

نفصل صفار البيض عن البياض .. ونلخط الصفار مع 2 ملعقه صغيره سكر وملعقه صغيره فانيليا .. ثم نضيف الطحين والجبنه بعد تفتيتها ..

بياض البيض نخفقه لحاله حتى ينفش ..

ثم نضيفه ع العجينه .. ونبدا نصبه بالمقلاه بعد دهنها بالزبده ..

دقيقه ثم نقلبها ..

لو عندج فراوله طبيعي او مجمد حطي لك مقدار بياله مع 1\2ملعقه سكر ونص ملعقه خل .. ثم اهرسيهم وحطيهم على الوجه ..

او توت ..